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The IUP Journal of Management Research :
An Analysis of the Critical Competencies Relevant to Honey Enterprises in East Khasi Hills District of Meghalaya

The term ‘competence’ is used in various ways in the literature (McLagan, 1997). A study was conducted in East Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya. The survey considered the Self-Help Group (SHG) members involved in honey enterprises. The purpose of the study was to analyze the correlation between technical and behavioral competencies required for honey enterprises in Meghalaya and to determine the critical behavioral and technical competencies. The findings of the study revealed that there exists a correlation between technical and behavioral competencies. The most critical behavioral competency for the honey enterprise is teamwork and the most critical technical competency for honey enterprise is problem solving.


Competence of an individual comprises knowledge, skills, abilities or personality characteristics that directly influence one’s performance (Becker et al., 2001). Researchers in the field of human resource management have emphasized that systems of Human Resource (HR) practices may lead to higher performance and be sources of sustained competitive advantage (Wright et al., 2001). Competing in today’s tumultuous global economy provides additional challenges to the HR in creating the expected value to create and sustain competitive advantages (Brock et al., 1999). The word competency was more comprehensively investigated by Lado and Wilson (1994), its concept factors and context that affect learning had been well established and thoroughly discussed ever since the 1970s (Knowles, 1970; and McClelland, 1973). Thourston (1992) illustrated that competency is a bunch of behavior characters related to work performance. Spencer and Spencer (1993) proposed the iceberg theory that competency includes both implicit and explicit traits that are related to the understanding and prediction of work performance.


Management Research Journal, Multinational Companies, Indian Pharmaceutical Sector, Financial Management, Working Capital Management, Public Sector Enterprises, Inventory Management, Credit Management, Multinational Private Sector Companies, Multiple Regression Techniques, Pharmaceutical Companies.